‘There was no pressure from anyone to get it cut’
Before the pandemic, my personal image was dictated by the constraints of corporate office culture, and I always felt tense. But while furloughed, as I was for most of the last year and a half, I found myself with a lot of time to relax, go for walks, listen to jazz and spend more time in the kitchen experimenting with vegetables. I realised that my hair was changing, too, and there was no pressure from anyone to get it cut. The length of my hair became symbolic of my new ability to appreciate the simple things in life. I’ve retrained, and my capacity for self-expression has multiplied. I have so many more options when I style it in the morning. Will, plumber, Bristol
‘Apparently long hair is good for period dramas’

I was never allowed to grow out my hair when I was younger, so when lockdown hit, I thought: if not now, when? I had to go and live with my parents over lockdown, and, despite their nagging me to get a haircut, I persisted. When lockdown eased, I started receiving compliments, so I decided to lock it in with a headshot session. Actors have to look like their headshots for ease of casting, so it was that or the barber. I think it sort of changes my casting bracket – apparently [long hair is] very good for period dramas, and makes me look more my own age (mid-20s instead of late teens). I like how it feels, but if I did need to remove it for a gig, I would. Preferably a well-paid one, though. Richard Stranks, actor, London
‘I have never been someone who experimented with his looks’

For practically all my life, I’ve kept my hair short and cropped. I have never been someone who experimented with my looks, but during lockdown I had the desire to try something new, so I decided to grow my hair out. The lack of grooming facilities at the time made the decision easier. For someone who thought they had straight hair their whole life, these longer curls came as a lovely surprise. I’ve decided to keep it because it’s easier to manage than I imagined it would be, and from what I’m told, it’s rather easy on the eye, too. Siddharth Sangameswaran, law student, London
‘I’m playing wizards and druids from now on’

Before the pandemic, I often worked as a film extra, playing tie-wearing professionals, such as doctors and lawyers. Nowadays, I’m being cast in very different roles, which makes a nice change. I’ve been told many times by hair and makeup departments to keep the beard and the long hair, so I’m going to keep on growing it. No more doctors or lawyers; wizards and druids from now on. Anthony Robinson, film extra and handyman, London
‘I joined a Facebook group of men growing their hair’

I didn’t have time to get a cut before the last two lockdowns, but my hair still looked OK, so I wasn’t worried. By January, I started noticing that I had curls some days and that my hair was greyer, but in quite a pleasant way. I became interested in seeing how it would develop. I joined a Facebook group of men who were interested in growing their hair longer. We share tips, tricks and progress pictures, and I think the guys on there are fantastic. My hair still needs to get longer, but I’m enjoying the whole process. It feels more relaxed to work with whatever your hair looks like on a particular day. Will it be curly? Will it be flat? Does it need washing? Can I put it up in a little ponytail to keep it out of my face? It gives me more options. David, HR analyst and singer with the London Gay Men’s Chorus, London
‘My lockdown experiment may become a lifelong style’

I was put on furlough between March and October 2020, so I had a lot of time on my hands. Before lockdown, I usually had medium-to-long, thick, black hair. My roommate got the clippers out for his own hair one evening, and I thought I’d try the skinhead style. I immediately liked the look and feel of the short hair, and I’ve kept it pretty much the same ever since. My girlfriend likes it, and it’s a lot cheaper than going to the hairdresser regularly. I shave my head myself, but I often need my roommate to neaten it up at the back and sides, otherwise I’m left with patches all over. If I become self-sufficient with the clippers, my lockdown experiment may become a lifelong style. Karim, 29, charity worker, London
‘I enjoy people’s initial shock’

At the beginning of lockdown, my children experimented with dyeing their hair purple. There seemed no better time to try blond. But then I got a six-week block of work and, unexpectedly, it was time to face the music. I enjoy people’s initial shock and, once the Boris Johnson jibes were fully digested, I actually received a few compliments. It’s given me a thicker skin and more confidence to be myself. Don’t keep that secret desire – go blond! David Ferguson, television sound recordist, London
‘Never having to think about my hair is priceless’

When I had longer hair, I cared how it looked. I’d have to style it in the morning, and would worry about it after wearing a bike helmet. I had to get it cut every six weeks or so, which cost anything from £15 to £50. Hairdresser closures were the route into self-administered buzz cuts. My boyfriend doesn’t mind it – or, if he does, he’s had the good sense not to tell me. I think the pandemic has made it more acceptable at work, whereas before it might have been considered a little “out there” for the office. Never having to think about my hair is priceless. I don’t think I’ll ever go back. Alex Archer, civil servant, Norfolk
‘It was long in all the wrong places and it resembled a chinchilla’

Until the first lockdown, it had never occurred to me to ask for anything other than a short back and sides. But by mid-lockdown, I was riding out the awkward stage of growing my hair. It was long in all the wrong places, it tickled my forehead and my ears, and it resembled a chinchilla. After a much-needed trim, I’m keeping my hair long. As a gay biracial guy, I have always felt the pressure to blend in – to dress and look a certain way. Now, I enjoy conversations with my fellow long-haired male colleagues about the up- and down-sides of long locks, and trade tips with my female colleagues about the best way to maintain it. The pandemic has normalised men with long hair, and I, for one, am glad to be part of it. Dominic Lam, trainee English teacher, Hertford
‘I may as well keep going’

I’ve had the same short hairstyle since 2011, so growing it long has been a nice change. There are mixed opinions: my best friend told me I look like I did when we first met as students; my girlfriend thinks I should tidy it up a bit, but generally approves. The awkward phase is the in-between bit when you can’t really call it a hairstyle, but it’s not long enough to do anything with yet. I have thick hair, so I looked a bit ridiculous when it was a windy day, but I may as well keep going. Joe, sports data analyst, London
from Lifestyle | The Guardian https://ift.tt/3um04MH
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