Gwyneth Paltrow broke down and ate bread during quarantine. How did you surprise yourself?

In the latest celebrity attempt to prove they had it just as hard as normal people in the pandemic, Gwyneth Paltrow has admitted she was driven to extremes during quarantine.

Things got dark. She admitted to drinking as many as two cocktails a night during lockdown (quinoa-based whiskey cocktails, of course); and even sometimes eating bread and pasta – shock, horror!

If I were her, I might be more concerned about buying an $8,600 hiking necklace as part of my “detox” program, or creating a candle that smells like an orgasm but hey – maybe sanity is all relative? Just like suffering!

My lowest point this pandemic was when, at the end of my tether, I yelled “I’M THE ALPHA!” at my four-month-old puppy, proving to us both I clearly wasn’t; or maybe that time I thought I could get him to stop humping me by doing it right back at him (spoiler alert: doesn’t work).

What was yours? Comment in our open thread below.

The headline was updated on 10 May 2021 at 14:56pm to better reflect the understanding of the story

from Lifestyle | The Guardian
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