Joseph on Beti
What were you hoping for?
A nice dinner with interesting company. Failing that, a funny story.
First impressions?
“Great coat – I wonder if that’s my date”, as I walked past the table twice in a late, confused rush after the photoshoot.
What did you talk about?
Travelling, cooking, her opinion of the Neapolitan quartet, the use of the phrase “I’m feminist, but”, Louis Theroux.
Any awkward moments?
When I suggested we write each other’s answers; apparently I have a misguided opinion of what an average score would be.
Good table manners?
I can’t think of any other scenario where I’ve judged someone’s table manners!
Would you introduce her to your friends?
Describe Beti in three words
Inquisitive, warm, chatty.
What do you think she made of you?
Adventurous for eating raw fish on a first date.
Did you go on somewhere?
We were both heading in the same direction, so shared a bus ride.
If it weren’t for social distancing, would you have kissed?
I would have swooped in for a romantic moment under the streetlamps of Holloway Road, but alas...
If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
To have been able to go inside after the sun set.
Marks out of 10?
Higher than whatever I think the average score should be.
Would you meet again?
Want to be in Blind date?
ShowBlind date is Guardian Weekend magazine’s dating column: every week, two strangers are paired up for dinner and drinks, and then spill the beans to us, answering a set of questions. This runs, with a photograph we take of each dater before the date, in Guardian Weekend magazine (in the UK) and online at every Saturday. It’s been running since 2009 – you can read all about how we put it together here.
What questions will I be asked?
We ask about age, location, occupation, hobbies, interests and the type of person you are looking to meet. If you do not think these questions cover everything you would like to know, tell us what’s on your mind.
Can I choose who I match with?
No, it’s a blind date! But we do ask you a bit about your interests, preferences, etc – the more you tell us, the better the match is likely to be.
Can I pick the photograph?
No, but don't worry: we'll choose the nicest ones.
What personal details will appear?
Your first name, job and age.
How should I answer?
Honestly but respectfully. Be mindful of how it will read to your date, and that Blind date reaches a large audience, in print and online.
Will I see the other person’s answers?
No. We may edit yours and theirs for a range of reasons, including length, and we may ask you for more details.
Will you find me The One?
We’ll try! Marriage! Babies!
Can I do it in my home town?
Only if it’s in the UK. Many of our applicants live in London, but we would love to hear from people living elsewhere.
How to apply
Beti on Joseph
What were you hoping for?
To meet someone new, who is easy to talk to and up for a laugh.
First impressions?
Great glasses, nice smile. I was nervous and he made me feel at ease very quickly.
What did you talk about?
South London v north, Welsh rugby v English rugby, cats v dogs, and whether tequila and orange juice counts as cocktail. We also discussed being bad at singing (me) and good (him), Green Wing, attempting to make gnocchi, and bad student houses.
Any awkward moments?
I managed to miss my mouth attempting to eat the starter.
Good table manners?
Definitely better than mine.
Best thing about Joseph?
Really easy to chat to and made me laugh a lot.
Would you introduce him to your friends?
Yes, they’d enjoy his cocktail-making hobby.
Describe Joseph in three words
Confident, charming, intelligent.
What do you think he made of you?
We stayed on for a few more drinks, so hopefully he thought I was good company.
Did you go on somewhere?
We left as the restaurant closed.
If it weren’t for social distancing, would you have kissed?
Never say never.
If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
To have been a bit less cold towards the end.
Marks out of 10?
Would you meet again?
We swapped numbers, so we’ll see.
Beti and Joseph ate at The Tramshed Project, London EC2.
Fancy a blind date? Email
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