Blind date: ‘He made it clear that he doesn’t share food’

Sarah on Matt

What were you hoping for?
I’m a bit jaded by dating apps, so was hoping this might bear fruit. Also for good conversation; a bit of a laugh.

First impressions?
Nice shirt, good hair, nice smile, tall.

What did you talk about?
A lot – how we spent lockdown (of course), work, Bake Off’s return, books, food. There was never a lull. Silences are my biggest date fear.

Any awkward moments?
The waitress hadn’t been told about the booking, so couldn’t find my name or the Guardian. All the while Matt could see me from the table.

Good table manners?
Perfect, although he made it clear that he doesn’t share food.

Best thing about Matt?
Very chatty and easy-going. There was a fair bit of laughter between us, too, which is always a must for me.

Would you introduce him to your friends?

Describe Matt in three words?
Kind, attentive, straightforward.

What do you think he made of you?
I hope something positive, but probably that I speak too much. And that I was too obsessed with eating a steak on the Guardian’s dime.

Did you go on somewhere?
No. But we did walk each other to the station at the end of the night, and swapped numbers.

If it weren’t for social distancing, would you have kissed?
I don’t think so. But he told me previous surgery means he has 25% less feeling in his lower lip. Maybe I’d have kissed him as an experiment.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
For us to have had more in common. I’m really keen on the arts, but that didn’t seem to be a big draw for him.

Marks out of 10?
For the date, not him personally: 7.

Would you meet again?
Perhaps. But only as friends, I think.

Matt on Sarah

What were you hoping for?
Getting to know someone, seeing what happens, and a lovely dinner.

First impressions?
Sarah was really smiley and put me at ease. She clearly handled the pre-dinner photoshoot better than me.

What did you talk about?
Family dynamics, trying to get back to a normal sense of living, and reality TV. It was great to share a common hatred of running, and to agree that baked beans are the enemy.

Any awkward moments?
I was nearly late because Notting Hill is essentially a modern-day version of King Minos’s labyrinth. Other than that, I didn’t think so.

Good table manners?
Better than mine – I wish I hadn’t ordered the linguine.

Best thing about Sarah?
She spoke honestly. We could have a genuine conversation without either of us trying to “save face”.

Would you introduce her to your friends?
No reason why I wouldn’t.

Describe Sarah in three words?
Open, passionate, easy-going.

What do you think she made of you?
I’d like to hope that I was interesting and could string a story together.

Did you go on somewhere?
We had another drink with our desserts at the restaurant.

If it weren’t for social distancing, would you have kissed?
I don’t think we had that connection.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
Should have got the steak.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?
I would, but not romantically.

• Sarah and Matt ate at Beach Blanket Babylon, London W11. They were photographed separately for this image. Fancy a blind date? Email

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