Blind date: ‘A kiss would definitely have been a possibility’

Lauren on Will

What were you hoping for?
A great dinner with a charming stranger. The dearth of opportunities to meet people in lockdown made this prospect very appealing.

First impressions?
Warm and courteous. There was a mix-up with the photographer so Will kindly walked me to the right location. Also, he has striking blue eyes.

What did you talk about?
Dublin, (my) sentimental taste in films, tarot, cocktails, psychology, US road trips, Normal People and the inability to read in lockdown.

Any awkward moments?
The initial greeting. There was a hybrid air kiss, elbow bump scenario – what has become of us all?

Good table manners?
Absolutely. Plus he was happy to share food, always a positive trait.

Best thing about Will?
He’s really easy to talk to. Our conversation flowed effortlessly.

Would you introduce him to your friends?
I don’t see why not. He’s good fun and could definitely hold his own.

Describe Will in three words?
Engaging, witty, relaxed.

What do you think he made of you?
He remarked (with a wry smile) that I was surprisingly well-socialised despite having spent the majority of lockdown solo. I’ll take the compliment in the way I hope it was meant!

Did you go on somewhere?
Yes. After a walk to find one pub closed and a bookings-only rejection at another, we found somewhere. It killed the spontaneity a little but we had a good time once settled.

If it weren’t for physical distancing, would you have kissed?
Yes, I think we might have.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
To have met in 2019. Plexiglass screens and masked waiters made the evening feel a tiny bit surreal.

Marks out of 10?

Would you meet again?
I’m intrigued, so yes, I’d like to.

Will on Lauren

What were you hoping for?
For my first dinner in a restaurant since March, I had my fingers crossed for someone who would be fun, kind and up for eating and drinking everything in sight.

First impressions?
Stylish, pretty, excellent jewellery.

What did you talk about?
We covered just about everything. Busby Berkeley, panopticons, the best time to join a cult, acceptable levels of woo-woo.

Any awkward moments?
I think we felt remarkably comfortable around each other.

Good table manners?
I didn’t really notice.

Best thing about Lauren?
She is delightful company.

Would you introduce her to your friends?
For sure. When the time is right, we can all sit in a park and wonder where the nearest bathroom is.

Describe her in three words?
Smart, funny, interesting.

What do you think she made of you?
Enthusiastic talker, eater and drinker?

Did you go on somewhere?
We went to a closed pub, a closing pub, then an open pub. The time flew.

If it weren’t for physical distancing, would you have kissed?
That would definitely have been a possibility.

If you could change one thing about the evening, what would it be?
I probably should have praised her style earlier in the evening. She’d been told by a friend to throw me under a bus if I didn’t compliment her dress sense. Luckily, she gave me the benefit of the doubt.

Marks out of 10?
What a horrible question! Thankfully, I can wholeheartedly give dix points.

Would you meet again?

• Lauren and Will ate at Romulo Café and Restaurant, London W8. They were photographed separately for this image. Fancy a blind date? Email

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